Quality & R/D
Ever since inception, we have been at the forefront of developing and applying scientific research in order to develop state of the art products for the Indian farmers. We were instrumental in bringing Chelation Technology to India. Subsequently, we developed crop specific formulations of Multi Micro Nutrient mixtures. Later, when the State Governments notified crop specific, soil specific and climate specific formulations, we were in a position to adapt our production lines to meet all these various formulations. Today, we have developed products meeting the requirements of more than 150+ notified formulations by various State Governments. We also have a testing laboratory at each of our manufacturing units. In addition, we continue our R&D efforts based on market feedback & field trials, which enables us to develop new products targeted to specific crop requirements.
We also undertake large scale soil sampling across various States in the country. In addition to R&D conducted in house, we collaborate continuously with National/ State Agri universities & Apex research institutes to field test our products in various agriculture zones. Trials are documented and used by us to develop awareness amongst the farming community. Cost benefit ratios based on Trial Reports are also prepared and disseminated extensively.

We use mainly indigenous technology developed in-house by our own R&D Team.
Two major technological inputs used in the development of ARIES products are:
The primary advantage of multi micronutrient complexes is to ensure that every particle of the end-product contains all the Multi Micro Nutrients in their pre-determined proportion. This is essential as the quantity required for every plant is very small and therefore every particle being of a pre-determined composition will ensure uniform application of nutrients over the entire field.
‘ARIES’ has continuously focused on ‘Bringing the best of the world to India’ and giving ‘India’s best to the world’. The prime consideration at Aries is always “Quality” not only in R&D labs and in finely controlled trials, but most importantly at the consumer level. The consistent emphasis on quality has paid off in that Aries Products enjoy a very high level of customer confidence & trust all over the country.
The QC lab has a well laid out quality policy and ensures that it performs quality checks on the inputs used in manufacturing the entire range of Aries products. Its role is to also analyze in process & finished products being sent to our customers in order to ensure compliance with standards laid down by all laws in force and ARIES own standards. We ensure the best equipment’s, processes, skilled & professional human resources are made available to the QC department.
The QC lab of ‘ARIES’ has updated its technical & quality management system to meet growing needs of the global market. We have been practicing the QMS ISO 9001:2008 and now upgraded with QMS ISO 9001:2015 and have a stellar track record of zero non-conformance over a decade.