Soil-Where life begins

In 2002, The International union of Soil Sciences adopted a resolution proposing the 5th December as World Soil Day to celebrate the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a Vital contributor to human wellbeing.
Aries Agro listed among the “Most Recommended Agriculture Solution Providers in India – 2020

Plants, we all know make their own food under sunlight. The roots, on the other end, draw up minerals and essential nutrients from the soil for proper growth.

Soil is essential for the maintenance of biodiversity above and below ground. The wealth of biodiversity below ground is vast and unappreciated: millions of microorganism s live and reproduce in a few grams of topsoil, an ecosystem essential for life on earth…’
Rise of Aqua-Culture in India

Where do you think most of the fish we eat come from? The Ocean. Wrong. Rivers and lakes? Wrong again. It’s from Fish farms.
Impact of fertilizers with special reference to micronutrients on environment pertaining to human and animal health

Fertilizers are an indispensable agri-input and are added to aid and increase the supply of essential nutrients required for growth and development of plants.